"I have always considered myself a free spirit with a Gypsy soul.
Surrendering gratefully to where ever life takes me."
Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Live your life authentically. Wholeheartedly. Based on love, not fear. Knowing there are no limits or boundaries to what you can do when listening to the guidance of your inner-soul. Embracing every experience as a blessing whether good or bad. Stay grateful for the simple things in life and do your best to stay positive every day, no matter what circumstances you face."
Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
We all possess within us what it takes to be happy and content with ourselves and our lives. To reach these places, we first have to find acceptance for our pasts, own responsibility for our presence, and prepare for the changes of our future. Believe you are not only worthy of being loved by others, but you are most importantly worthy of the love you give to yourself. Practicing every day changing your negative thoughts to positive and in time, you will actually start to believe them. Don't wait, start making positive changes today!
Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Are you holding on to unrealistic expectations, stress from life's daily pressures, worries and fear? If you are holding on to any of these, it's time to let go...You have the power to let go right now at this very moment, all you have to do is realize all of these are negative thoughts taking up space in your life and draining your energy. It's time to let go...take a deep breath and set yourself free!
Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"If we stop and are actually aware of what we are thinking and feelings in the present moment, we become empowered to realize we are in charge and we are able to change our thoughts from negative to positive."
Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Make the pain of your past fuel the power of your future." Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Be humble in your confidence yet courageous in your character." Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Emotions are simply reminders that we are alive." Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Nothing else matters but the HERE and NOW! What you do with your NOW can change your whole world. The past is gone and the future is yet to come. Focus on what is and let go what has been! This internal moment is all you have, treasure it before it's gone."
✿ܓMelanie Moushigian Koulouris
"I'm not perfect, I make mistakes.
I'm not always strong, sometimes I'm weak.
Sometimes I'm stubborn, sometimes I'm a push over.
I don't have all the answers, and sometimes I have a lot of questions.
Sometimes I say too much, and sometimes I don't say enough.
I am who I am...
I stand by what I believe in, and I believe in what I stand by.
I'm not perfect...I'm just me, just like you are you."
✿ܓMelanie Moushigian Koulouris
Be you! Live in your own unique beautiful outer exterior and pure and special one of a kind colorful inside! What is better than the feeling of hanging out with a family member or a best friend knowing you would not be judge because the love is unconditional...why not tell yourself everyday that you are embraced by a universe that is your best friend and gives you that exact unconditional love. Give it a try, don't be afraid to be who you are...beautiful on the out and inside! (((♥))) Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"It doesn't matter how long it takes to fulfill your Dream, all that matters is that you have one."
♥ Melanie Moushigian Koulouris (((♥))) Never give up on your Dreams!
"Nurture your soul with positive thoughts and internal happiness will blossom before your eyes."
~♥~ Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"It's doesn't matter what anyone else thinks of you, it's what you think of yourself that matters."
~♥~ Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Once you become consciously aware of just how powerful your thoughts are, you will realize everything in your life is exactly how YOU allow it to be." Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Always continue to fuel the internal flame that lies deep within your soul with Love, Grace and Gratitude."
(((♥))) Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Every day, try to find time to sit in complete and total silence with yourself. Dig down deep to the center of you soul and listen to your heart. Find your inner voice and it is there you will find true peace." Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Love is full of kindness and kindness is full of love." (((♥))) Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"I've been kicking down those barriers for a while now and I'm on my way...
I just have to make sure I practice positivity every day!" Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Everyday alive is a miracle, that's why we all need to cherish each and every moment."
~ Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
You don't need a reason to be POSITIVE
You don't need a reason to be HAPPY
You don't need a reason to be KIND
You don't need a reason to LAUGH
You don't need a reason to LOVE
You don't need a reason to LIVE
You don't need a reason to FORGIVE
You don't need a reason to be FREE...
**°•.¸☆ Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
Soulmates... "True unconditional love is when the connection between two souls mind, body and spirit's align in perfect symmetry not only with each other but with the universe." ♥ °•.¸☆ Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Love is the meeting of minds, the harmony of hearts, the bond of bodies, and the symmetry of souls." Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Others can only take from you, what you give them...and it should only be smiles hugs and love!"
Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Hold my hand, feel my heart...feel the abundance all around us. Lets grow beyond the boundaries of the world! We are all connected. Each and every one of us. We all can make a difference starting with ourselves. Lets start a mission of kindness that will carry on into eternity." Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Release your heart to the sky and let your spirit fly."
Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"May love always be your light and may your heart always give you sight." Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
You possess the power...Take complete confidence in yourself knowing you are in total control of your own thoughts. No one but you decides your fate. A strong positive attitude and a heart full of gratefulness with an appreciation for life's simple abundances will bring you true happiness.
Live in a state of love and peace with yourself and you will with the world.
(((♥))) Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"A few great ways to help you manifest positive changes in your life, improve self-understanding, and reduce life's stresses, is through meditation, positive thinking, and the study of positive affirmations, these practices will help inspire you to have a more optimistic outlook on life by building self-confidence, developing self-acceptance, and helping you tune into your authentic self to find the answers to your life's purpose. Practice these everyday and positive changes will be on their way!"
(((♥))) Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Fear lives only in the mind and love lives only in the heart. If you are living in fear, you are being controlled only by your negative thoughts. Let the love in your heart set you free." Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Things may not always workout the way you want them to, but I can assure you they will always workout the way they are supposed to." Detach yourself from all expectations because you are not the one in control. Surrender to fate, remember to always keep faith, and hold on to hope because everything is exactly the way is should be. You may not understand now, but I promise you someday it will all make total sense." Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Find trust in yourself and your universe. The magic begins when your dreams and reality become synchronized. True harmony is when you surrender all your power to the universe, it is then you can conquer all your dreams." (((♥))) Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Giving is good Karma, what you put out in the universe comes back to you. Give from the goodness of your soul and the universe with repay you." ✿ܓMelanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Giving fully and freely with an open heart in return gives us an over-whelming feeling of joy and abundance. What is more selfless than giving from the heart. Giving fully and freely with an open heart means not expecting anything in return because the reward is already repaid by the gratefulness of person who is receiving it. Always give more than you receive and you will always receive more than you give." (((♥))) Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Seek deep within your inner self and magnify the many colorful layers within your magnificent and vibrant soul. Expose and express your bold and beautiful self by spreading your feathers freely and proudly like a peacock for all the world to see." (((♥))) Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Fill your life up with so much positivity that there will be no room for negativity." Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"If you go through life expecting everyone to think, act or believe in the same exact beliefs as you, you are going to be hugely disappointed! You will constantly be let down and eventually find yourself alone because no one is exactly like you. The beauty of life is we are all the same, yet completely different. We are all magnificent and unique creations of life. Love one another, respect one another, and look for the good in everyone you meet. You and I are all...simply unique!" Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"If you love, trust, and find truth within yourself, then you can never be deceived, you are all you need to believe..."~♥~Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"I'm not in this world to live up to anyone else's standards or expectations but my own. I am here to live, to love, to give, to grow, to serve, to explore life, and explore my soul within. I am not here to be who society expects me to be. My thoughts are my own and I am proud to live in the skin of my very own authentic self. I am proud to be me."
Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Shower your soul with sunshine and smiles and your heart will blossom with love for miles and miles." ♥ Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"May you always soar on the wings of your dreams." Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"All things bliss come to those who least resist." ♥ Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Find true gratefulness in your heart outside of any unfortunate circumstances that may be challenging you right now, and you will see there is so much to be thankful for!"
♥ Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"The soul speaks through silence and wisdom speaks with words." Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Happiness blossoms where ever one plants seeds of love and kindness in the hearts of others."
Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Open yourself up to the universe, and the whole universe will open up to you."
Melanie Moushigian koulouris
"In life, there is always a chance to make a choice to change." Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Spiritual freedom embodies a liberated soul, release it all...just let go!" Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
We are all guilty of "WORRYING" well, I have some fantastic news for you...
"The average worrier is 92% inefficient - only 8% of what we worry about ever comes true." ~Charles Spurgeon
Finding out these fantastic facts, is proof of just how powerful our minds are!
It really is all in our heads! How wonderful is it to know we are in charge of our thoughts! We have a choice in how we think and what we focus on. Whether we think positive or negatively it can really effect our lives. Instead of putting all your energy into worrying, put your energy into thinking positive because why waste another minute thinking about something that more than likely will never come true! ~Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"FEAR is nothing but an illusion. A negative manifestation consuming your thoughts and holding you back from the only true reality which is LOVE. As long as fear is present, love is absent. Break free from fear and love will set you free." ☆ Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"No matter how dark the sky, it reminds us that each star has a special meaning. There will always be a light to follow, there will always be stars to wish upon. Gaze up at the Stella sky and surrender yourself to the universe. Each time you see a star blazing across the brilliant celestial sphere, it represents a wish or dream that has been answered. Without wishes and dreams, the sky would be left in complete darkness...Keep your dreams and desires burning like a ray of fire and the stars will continue to sparkle and glow as bright as the rising sun. Never stop wishing and never give up on your dreams." Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Boundless, true and free...Love leaves my soul in a state of weightlessness
for all the world to see." Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Feed your dreams with the same passion and hunger that drives you to live." (((♥))) Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Love lives deep in the memory of the heart, in which we call the soul." ~Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"When you disrespect others, you disrespect yourself." Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"See the light, Believe in the light, Love the light, because the light is YOU!" Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Let the love of sun light up your soul." Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Sometimes when dealing with difficult people, the best thing you can do is wish them well and say a prayer for them."
Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Be true to you, kind to others, and always listen to your heart because it never lies!" (((♥))) Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
`*.¸.*.♥.✿ ♥ I AM GRATEFUL! ♥ƸӜƷ˜”*°•.•.¸ღ¸☆´
I am grateful for all my sorrows that have shown me strength.
I am grateful for all my fears that have shown me how to love.
I am grateful for all my sadness that has shown me happiness.
I am grateful for all my enemies that have shown me what true friendship is.
I am grateful for all my life lessons that have shown me how to truly live.
•.¸ღ¸☆´Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
There are those who talk a lot, but there are also those who also never speak up! I would rather speak up than stay quiet! Express yourself! Never be bullied into silence! ♥ Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"A loss of communication with others, usually means a loss of communication with oneself."
Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Put more love, affection, and attention into yourself, and in return others will be draw to you by the abundance of internal love and joy you express. In return, you will receive more love, affection and attention than you have ever imagined. There is nothing more powerful than self love and once you find it, you can't keep it to yourself. Release the gates and free your heart. Let love, hope, and pure honestly flow freely like a waterfall."
(((♥))) Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"The only way of letting love and abundance flow easily into your life, is to first be aware of all negativity that holds you back. Pay attention to your thoughts because mostly what holds us back is ourselves. We become prisoner of our past by letting regret weigh on our minds instead of being grateful for all we have been through which has made us grow into who are today. The more challenges in life you experience, the wiser and stronger you actually become. Find gratefulness in all you go through, even the hardest of times. Release your past, release your fears, and let it all go." (((♥))) Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"All the books you read, video's you watch, and people you listen to, cannot teach you the wisdom of your soul. Have the courage to follow your heart and Intuition. Ask yourself, are you really awake? Your mind may be awake, but what good is a sleeping heart? Have more faith in "you" and less influence and trust in all that is around you. All The answers are within. The challenge now is to become aware of your truth and discover the light and love that has been there all along. Sometimes it's easier to hide in the dark than it is to live in light. May you find your light and always follow your heart." (((♥))) Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"No matter what you wish I could be, all I can be is me." (((♥))) Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Nothing is worth more than the wisdom I've gained from all my experiences." =)
Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Expose the beautiful essence of your inner spirit and proudly illuminate the powerful light you possess."
(((♥))) Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Every single person in this world has the power to be a part of a positive ripple effect. At this very moment YOU are capable of making an extraordinary difference in the world. Even a simple small kind deed can make a profound impact on the life of another. The most important essentials in life are free for a reason, so give away the endless supply of love in your heart, and the gracious goodness in your soul...
♥♥♥ "live to love and love to give." ♥♥♥ Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Never underestimate the power that is, and has always been within you." Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
We all possess within us what it takes to be happy and content with ourselves and our lives. To reach these places, we first have to accept our past, own responsibility for the present, and prepare for the changes of our future. We are the only one that is in control of our mind, body and souls...We must realize this in order to move forward. Have total confidence and believe in yourself! Believe you are not only worthy of being loved by others, but you are most importantly worthy of the love you give to yourself. Practice everyday, change your negative thoughts to positive, and in time, you will actually start to believe them. Don't wait, start making positive changes today! (((♥))) Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
✿♥✿ Every time you think a negative thought, remember this! ✿♥✿
"Negative thoughts will hold you back and weigh you down.
Positive thoughts will lift you up and set you free!" Choose wisely!
✿ܓMelanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Caring and sharing with one another is an equal balance and a forever overflow of light and love. (((♥)) Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Today I will focus on the positive energy I posses and let the power of love and light illuminate my soul." (((♥))) Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"We are all great students of life, growing from our experiences. The day we stop learning from life's lessons is the day we stop growing." ((★)) Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
Your happiness does not depend on your relationship
Your happiness does not depend on your friendships
Your happiness does not depend on your family
Your happiness does not depend on your job
Your happiness does not depend on your financial situation
Your happiness does not depend on your IQ
Your happiness depends on only YOU!
~♥~Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"It's not about forgetting the past, it's about accepting the past." (((♥))) Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Remember, anxiety is only worry and worry is only fear. Worry & fear are only negative thoughts! Change your thoughts & remember to breath." ♥ Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
“Lets go for a roller coaster ride through your subconscious soul, deep within the depths of your desirable dreams. Explore the creative side of the limitless boundaries of your imagination. Follow your heart and listen to your true intuition. It is there you will discover your magnificent self and extraordinary purpose in this life." (((♥))) Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Everyone has the choice to be a victim or a victor from their painful past experiences. It's all in how you perceive your experience. You can either become empowered by all that you went through, knowing you are a true survivor, or feel sorry for yourself and stay stuck in self pitty. You decide which you are, no one else...The one thing to always remember is...you define your past, your past does not define you!" Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Wisdom blossoms from those who have known defeat from their failures, and have learned from their mistakes."
✿ܓMelanie Moushigian Koulouris
"There is nothing greater than the power of love. It can heal pain from your past, bring light to your future and leave you in a state of bliss at any given moment." (((♥))) Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"I'm on a positive path and I'm never looking back." ~♥~ Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
Today I will begin on a journey to take down these bricks I've spent so long putting up. I will except all that has happened to me in the past and I will no longer mask my pain. I now realize my heart is precious, but it is also the strongest part of me. No matter what I go through, I will work hard at letting the light within my heart that I possess shine proudly. I know this won't be easy, so I will start with one brick at a time. I will give my all to let love in. I am no longer afraid. I now know the world is NOT out to get me. I am love and love is me. I will break down these walls that will finally set me free. I'm ready to show the world who I am supposed to be...
"Dedicated to all my dear friends out there guarding their precious hearts. It's time to tear down those walls and let love and light shine to and through you."
"YOU CAN DO IT!" "One DAY at a time, One BRICK at time!" =)
Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Life is an amazing journey, each new sun that rises is another day to strive toward awakening to self fulfillment. Anyone is capable of having an extraordinary life! Use the power of faith to keep you inspired and motivated toward finding greatness. Stay focused on your dreams and aspirations. Always listen to your intuition and let your internal glow light your way." Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Teach and train your thoughts to be positive on a daily basis with no pressures of yesterday, and no final destination for the future. "Be Positive Now" ~Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
Believe in the person you see in the mirror, because you no longer live in the past, are consumed by self doubt, or need the approval of others. Truly believe you are exactly who you are suppose be."
(((♥))) Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"When the soul communicates, it's sends messages from the heart and they blossoms into beautiful bouquets of emotion." ♥ Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Limitless dreams, a vivacious attitude for life and an innovative imagination will inspire you to discover the infinite possibilities that you are capable of creating with the positive and conscious insight you carry within your powerful and vibrant soul. Explore, Discover and Release." (((♥))) Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Choices, chances, trust and trances. love is the lucid recipe to life." ♥ Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"When words flow freely, poetry whistle in the wind of my fleeting heart." Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"When getting in touch with ourselves spiritually, our daily learning experience is as if we were born yesterday, understanding life as it comes at us with each new dawn. We become vulnerable and humbled by each lesson we learn growing stronger, grateful, and more at peace with ourselves by every experience that brings us true wisdom."
(((♥))) Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Life is all about adapting, acceptance, and survival." ~Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Love is like a whisper in the wind, and a tear drop in the rain." ~Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Love is everywhere and a part of everything. It spreads like the wind & flows like water. You may not be able to see it, but it is all around!" ☆ Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"You possess the power to create your ultimate internal and external paradise. It all beings with a healthy and peaceful state of mind. Anyone can live a blissful life filled with passion and great admiration. Celebrate your life with love and gratitude by giving thanks for this very precious moment, as well as all the wonderful blessing that surround you everyday. No one can stop you from facing every step of this journey with a positive, optimistic, and enthusiastic attitude! Put your best foot forward today and everyday!"
☀***°•.¸☆ Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
Take a ride though your subconscious Soul...
“Lets go for a rollercoaster ride through your subconscious soul, deep within the depths of your desirable dreams. Explore the creative side of the limitless boundaries of your imagination. Follow your heart and listen to your true intuition. It is there you will discover your magnificent self and extraordinary purpose in this life." (((♥))) Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Always continue to fuel the internal flame that lies deep within your soul w
"Find trust in yourself and your universe. The magic begins when your dreams and reality become synchronized. True harmony is when you surrender all your power to the universe, it is then you can conquer all your dreams." (((♥))) Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Everyday, try to find time to sit in complete and total silence with yourself. Dig down deep to the center of you soul and listen to your heart. Find your inner voice and it is there you will find true peace."
Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
Remember to always stay positive and look in the direction of you goals.
Remember to always stay honest and true to yourself.
Remember to always stay in a state of love, generously giving your heart to all of those around you.
Remember to always stay open-minded and understanding.
Remember to always stay humbly grateful for all that life has gifted you with.
(((♥))) Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Voices of the heart will echo into eternity." (((♥))) ~Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"The more love and passion you put into something, the more it will grow." Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Life is wild ride, hold on tight or get left behind!" ♥ Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
The Butterfly and Life; The Beauty of Physical and Spiritual Metamorphosis...
Butterflies are a representation of the cycle of life. An example of the true beauty of the physical and spiritual Journey we all experience and venture through. Starting out helpless and new to the world, eventually embracing change, blossoming into a magnificent colorful, one of kind creation with a world of possibilities and freedom to explore all that life endures. Spread your wings and fly... Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"We are all placed here on this earth with our own visions and our own views. Each of us created uniquely to share, compare, and learn from one another. In essence we are all "ONE" joined at the heart. No one is better than the other regardless of status or differences because we are all created equal. We all come into this world the same way and we all leave the same way. What we do in between should be to seek out, find, and follow the spiritual journey that lies within each of us and once we do, use the answers to pass on and teach others the wisdom we have learned from our experiences to strengthen the unity in the world. Life is about connections first with oneself and then with one another. Everything comes full circle, that is why is important to beware of envy and beware of greed because what you project is what you receive and it echo's on into eternity." «☆ love & light ☆» (((♥))) Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"We all have a purpose. Each one of us have a meaning in this life time. We are joined together by our hearts and bonded together by our souls. We are all connected because we are one" Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Love is blind but so is Ego...Love is blind because you see with your heart not with your eyes and ego is blind because you see with you eyes and not with your heart." Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"It's NEVER too late to start living the life you have always dreamed of." ((♥)) Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Freedom is the fertilizer
Love is the leaves
Honesty is the root
Truth is the seed."
~Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"You would never clip an Eagle's wings or hold a butterfly captive in a jar so it couldn't be free to fly, so why would you hold your spirit back from soaring beyond the clouds. Every single one of us has the wings to fly...it just takes believing in ourselves and knowing we have what it takes to get our feet off the ground. Believe you are free and your soul will soar." ~Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ~ Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Faith, Hope, and Love are three very important essentials in life that can not be seen with the eye, but believed in your heart and felt deep within your soul." (((♥))) Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"In order to connect to the spiritual rhythmic harmony of your soul, you must first disconnect yourself from all the negative influences in your life.
Detach yourself from unhealthy relationships including friends, family and lovers.
Let go of all doubts, fears, regrets and worries.
Rebuild your personal spiritual beliefs and set on to the journey of your inner discovery.
Begin to reconnect to your true authentic self.
Focus and meditate only on emotions and feelings of your own heart without any outside interferences.
Listen deeply and intuitively to your own subconscious desires.
Awaken to the truth that will be found from the light within your transcending heart and the spiritual bliss that has been waiting for you all along." (((♥))) Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"No time is ever wasted, everything happens for a reason. Even the hardest of days."
Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Set limitless boundaries when it comes to bringing your dreams to life.
Fuel your passion with zest and enthusiasm.
Exceed your personal expectations by surrendering your destiny to the divine universe knowing the power and energy being generated is beyond our humanly control." Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"We are what we choose to see, be, and believe." Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Dance and sing to the poetic song that lives within the harmony of your heart just waiting to be sung."
Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Traveling without directions, leading with no path exposed.
Taking each step as if my eyes have been covered by a blindfold.
Following only the vibrations from within heart, guiding me which way to go.
I know I'll find my way, I'll never doubt my soul.
Each step I take is aimlessly composed without a care, as if I am walking on air.
Waking to the journey of life, a mysterious manifest orchestrated only by destiny."
Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Fly off into the sunset my beautiful Seagull, you are free to spread your wings and paint the sky every color of your beautiful soul." ((♥))) Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Don't let one single day pass you by without being grateful for what is right in front of you."
Blessings to all! (((♥))) Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Each and every one of us is unique like a fingerprint. Our souls have their own personal design and no two people in the world are the same. Always remember how special you are and that there is no person out there that is exactly like you. Stand proud and believe in yourself because you are truly a gift and have so much to offer in this life time, you just have to believe it." «☆ love & light ☆» • (((♥)))Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Unite the world as one!" "We can conquer anything when we put our heart's and soul's into it together!"
Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
'Transcending emotions rushing through my veins.
Pure love and energy released and untamed.
Freedom from a captive state,
Like a bird who has escaped from it's cage.
A feeling moving faster than the speed of sound.
My heart beat flutters beyond the highest cloud.
Surrounded by shooting stars filled of loving beams of light,
Illuminating the sky's most darkest night."
~♥~Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"In the end all that will matter is if I made my life matter." Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"The Sun's generous and endless supply of love and light can warm and heal any hurting heart."
(((SUN))) Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"My love for you is perpetual, infinite, and everlasting. You move my heart beyond the place where my soul dwells." Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Journey deep within your subconscious mind...beyond the boundaries of your imagination, that is where you will find your truth." Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Choices, chances, trust and trances. love is the lucid recipe to life." ♥ Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"There is nothing greater than the power of love. It can heal pain from your past, bring light to your future and leave you in a state of bliss at any given moment." (((♥))) Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Limitless dreams, a vivacious attitude for life and an innovative imagination will inspire you to discover the infinite possibilities that you are capable of creating with the positive and conscious insight you carry within your powerful and vibrant soul. Explore, Discover and Release." (((♥))) Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"So very grateful knowing all that I have is all that I need!" ♥ Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"You Possess the Power...Take complete confidence in yourself knowing you are in total control of your own thoughts. No one but you decides your fate. A strong positive attitude and a heart full of gratefulness with an appreciation for life's simple abundances will bring you true happiness.
Live in a state of love and peace with yourself and you will with the world." (((♥))) Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Change must first begin in your thoughts which then communicates with your soul, it is then you find the answers within your heart." (((♥))) Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Open your heart and let your loving vibes levitate. Set your spirit in motion and let your soul fly freely, defying gravity." Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"I've never been happier than where I am standing today because I can say I am 100% myself and completely exposed from the inside out and it's the best feeling in the world!" ♥ Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
Share your pure and endless supply of one of the most precious gifts in life you are guaranteed to never run out of...LOVE...You can never give or get enough, always remember that! ♥ ♥ ♥ Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"If you really listen, life is one long beautiful love song." ♥ Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"I'm a strong believer that every single tear you have shed, laugh you let out, love and heartbreak you have lived through, and all of Life's pain you have endured, has all been a part of a perfect design building you to become the person you are today...to be able to carry on and share your wisdom with the world."
Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"It's a beautiful world out there, you just have seek out the good and you are sure to find it!"
Melanie Moushigian Koulouris♥
"Don't ever let the negativity of other people pull you down or take away your smile as long as you know your a good person and you give your all, you never have to question yourself." Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Unlock your intuition and let your heart and soul guide you." ♥ Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"My heart is full of desire~ burning like a red hot flame of fire, growing higher and higher overwhelmed with dreams and desire" ♥ Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"MUSIC is like the SUN is to the SOUL!" ♥ Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"We are all in this dream together because we are ONE." ♥ Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Some of the best choices I've ever made in my life were to change." Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Let our musical souls blend together in a colorful dance called harmony."
♥ ~Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"If you love, trust, and find truth within yourself, then you can never be deceived." You are all you need to believe....~♥~Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"The Heart knows only one language and that is the language of love." ♥ Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Let the Kinetic energy flow freely and infectiously through your positive mind, body and soul"
Melanie Moushigian Koulouris♥
"Dancing is when the music flows through out my mind causing my body to become the instrument."
Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"A simple life means a humble life and a humble life means a happy life." Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"It's ok not to know, life is filled with mystery and change. If you live by standards and consistency, you are only setting yourself up for disappointment. Life is all about change, every second, the world, the weather, earth, emotions, are all constantly changing. Live for the moment because no one has the power to control time, so go with the flow and absorb all you can along the way." ~Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Live & Love Liberty, feel my desire, set your soul on fire and be free with Me!" Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Some crave the Love of Richness, while others crave the Richness of Love." Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"If you are constantly focusing on other people and their lives, you have no time to focus on fixing yourself and your own life. Truth, Happiness, and Peace is found from within." Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"You are like the ocean and I am like the sun, two untouchable together, but forever in a world as one." Melanie Moushgian Koulouris
"You can teach people but you can make them learn." Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"It's amazing the beautiful things you can experience and bonds you can make with people when you leave your heart wide open!" ♥ Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"The memory of the heart can never be erased." ~♥~Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"You are constantly hearing "forget the past" I don't want you to forget the past because first of all, it's impossible to forget.
If you forget, then it means you will forget the lessons you learned and you are most likely to repeat them.
Embrace your past, appreciate your trials and tribulations, those are the most important times in your life because pain creates power within the soul.
It doesn't weaken you, it's actually strengthens you.
Change your thoughts about your past and your pain, appreciate the wisdom you have gained."
«☆ love & light ☆» • ♥ • Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"I always speak the truth because I speak from the heart, and my heart knows how not to lie." Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"I know what I feel and I know what I feel is real because it grows stronger everyday!" Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Anything is possible, it's only impossible if you think it is." Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Dreams really do come true because all I ever wanted I found it in you!" Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Life isn't about making others happy, it's about sharing your happiness with others." Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Negativity is poison to the soul. It's takes over quickly and eventually will destroy you and all those around you." ~Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"You are like the Ocean and I am like the Sun, two untouchable together but forever in a world as One."
Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Raising your spiritual energy opens you to different levels of consciousness. Through awareness and communication with the internal vibrations of your heart, you will become more intuitive. Internal guidance will increase mental focus and improve the balance of your mind body and soul." Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"First time ever I looked into your eyes,
I was instantly lost in kaleidoscope skies".
Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"We are all perfect because of our beautiful imperfections." Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"When words flow freely, poetry whistle in the wind of my fleeting heart." Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"You can't tear apart what is joined at the heart." Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Love is blind because you see with your heart not with your eyes and ego is blind because you see with you eyes and not with your heart." Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Come to see the truth within yourself and your path will be shown." Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Embrace your fears, Embrace the sun in your eyes, Embrace the darkness of the night, for no one can take away your tomorrow!" Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Life can be lived as Heaven or Life can be lived as Hell, give in to God's gates or live under the Devil's spell." Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Free will is God's gift; wasted talent is the Devil's gift." By. Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"If I could reach out and help one person, touch one heart,
my time on earth has been well spent." Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Life is a winding road with jagged edges, balance is the key to the gates of heaven." Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Until you see the truth within yourself, it's so easy to believe the lies on the outside."
Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"The sooner you realize just how tough life really is, the easier it will become."
Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Be careful with getting caught up in your ego thinking you have all the answers, because sometimes your answers are not always the answers for someone else." Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Sometimes others pull you down without even noticing, because they really need a lift up." (((♥))) Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"As much as I love the light of life, I appreciate the darkness too. There is beauty in both because both are pure and true." Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"When you truly speak from God, you create harmony not harm". "The truth is divine."
Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Some people seek and search for who they are and why they exist, when all you have to do is lose yourself to find out who you really are." By. Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"You can only grow by letting go." By. Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"I'm a fire sign, can you feel my soul of fire?" ~♥~ Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Lift your spirit, free your soul! Surround yourself with love, laughter, and all that is positive. Love life, be free!"
Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Inhale all Positivity and Exhale all Negativity." Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"You can love someone, but you can't make them love you." ♥ Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"I've realized that when you just go with the flow of life and stop trying to make things happen, everything in time will work itself out and beautiful things will happen!" :) By. Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Always follow the positive path with perseverance." By. Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Remember me not through the tears your eyes have shed in sadness, but for the smiles I have brought to your heart from happiness." (((♥))) Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Positivity feeds on positivity and spreads like wild fire!" ♥ ~Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Positive energy is infectious, keep it flowing!" By. Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"World Peace is possible...if we first start with peace within ourselves then we are able to pass it on to one another." PASS THE PEACE!! (((♥))) Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
Open your eyes
Open your mind
Open your arms
Open your heart
Open your soul...
If these parts of you are not open, then how are you supposed to let the positive and good things in and let the negative out? Free yourself from all that keeps you from happiness. It's time to let go...
OPEN YOURSELF UP TO YOUR LIFE'S PURPOSE!~♥~ Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"I roam this earth with a Gypsy soul and a heart of fire for all the world to see." By. Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"In all that is full of laughter, is full of love..." By. Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Don't ever be afraid to open the gates to your soul." By. Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Hold my hand and walk through this journey with me that we call life. I ask nothing more from you than to hold my hand and join me." ♥ ~Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"I hope I can touch a million lives and grow a million bonds with the world." By. Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Practice and promote positivity everyday!" ~ ♥ Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
Somebody said there is no such thing as Santa Claus because he's not real.
Somebody said there is no such thing as the Easter Bunny because he's not real.
Somebody said there is no such thing as the Devil because he's not real.
Somebody said there is no such things as God because he's not real.
My response is there is a Santa Clause, an Easter Bunny, a Tooth Fairy, a Devil, and God because they all live within the spirit...what you believe is true and does exist. What you believe is alive and real inside you....
(((♥))) Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"The one thing I have learned is.. "The Devil comes in all shapes and sizes with many disguises...He preys on the hearts of the purest inside us." Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Sometimes we all need to take a time out and begin a spiritual detox. It's a time for meditation and a time to become consciousness and more aware of the of internal energy and vibrations within your heart. It is a time to release negative thoughts, emotions, habits, and people from your life. Purge the toxins from your soul and start anew. Boost yourself esteem and remove any spiritual blocks. The more toxins you dispose of, the more balanced your mind, body and soul will become." (((♥))) Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Let go... Let go of negative thoughts, let go of guilt, let go of anger, let go of pain, let go of all that holds you back from all the wonderful possibilities that are right inside of you just waiting to be discovered. If you don't take risks, there will be no rewards." ~ ♥ Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"If you could spend one moment in my mind and one second in my heart, you would never doubt my love for you."
Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Worship your body for it is the sanctuary for your soul." Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Each one of us have an amazing and powerful current of energy that flows freely and naturally through us and to us from one another like the flow of water." (((♥))) Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Dreams and aspirations are driven by passion, inspiration and ambition...fueled by dedication, motivation and perseverance." Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"True happiness comes to those who dare to live out their passion, no matter what anyone else tells them." LIVE YOUR DREAM! Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Love is limitless without absolutely no boundaries." (((♥))) Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"In order to connect to the spiritual rhythmic harmony of your soul, you must first disconnect yourself from all the negative influences in your life.
Detach yourself from unhealthy relationships including friends, family and lovers.
Let go of all doubts, fears, regrets and worries.
Rebuild your personal spiritual beliefs and set on to the journey of your inner discovery.
Begin to reconnect to your true authentic self.
Focus and meditate only on emotions and feelings of your own heart without any outside interferences.
Listen deeply and intuitively to your own subconscious desires.
It is then you will awaken to the truth that will be found from the light within your transcending heart and the spiritual bliss that has been waiting for you all along." (((♥))) Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
Share your pure and endless supply of love is one of the most precious gifts in life you are guaranteed to never run out of...LOVE...You can never give or get enough, always remember that! Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"I've never been happier than where I am standing today because I can say I am 100% myself and completely exposed from the inside out and it's the best feeling in the world!" ♥ Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
Freedom is the fertilizer
Love is the leaves
Honesty is the root
Truth is the seed...
~Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Don't let one single day pass you by without being grateful for what is right in front of you." Blessings to all! ♥ Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Harmonically connect with the universe. Find your inner spirit & authentic self. Discover your purpose through internal peace!" ~Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"We are always growing and learning..that's why life is so beautiful because there is always room for change." (((♥))) Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"The ultimate key to success is positive thinking and a positive attitude."
"Plan, pursue, and persevere," (((♥))) Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"I live with my feet on the ground, soul in the sky, and my heart open as wide as the ocean."
Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Raising your spiritual energy opens you to different levels of consciousness. Through awareness and communication with the internal vibrations of your heart, you will become more intuitive. Internal guidance will increase mental focus and improve the balance of your mind body and soul." Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"When people hear the word change, right away they get scared because they are stepping out of their comfort zone. Change can be one of the best decisions you could ever make. Changing your attitude, your energy, your life style all could open your world up to so many amazing possibilities. Go for it...If you are not happy, then you need to change! Aren't you worth being happy? If your feeling this, then it is time to start making those positive changes!"
Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"If you are unhappy and waiting for something or someone outside of yourself to change, the problem is you could be waiting your whole life to be happy. You have to take control and take a stand in your own life and make it happen. There is nothing, or no one who is responsible for making that happen but you! Happiness comes from within, it's a positive mind set that does not depend upon the outside circumstances that are going on in your life. Start today, happiness is just one positive thought away."
Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"You are a soulful warrior! Every single one of you has what it takes to survive through any challenge that comes your way! No matter how bad things seem in the moment, know you are never helpless and you are never hopeless. You are not a victim of your current circumstances and you will not stand to be imprisoned by them. Just by changing the way you view the challenges in your life and by believing in the power of love and the power of positive thinking, you can ignite the strength of your soul and spark the warrior inside you. Your emotions are a mirror of your thoughts, when you change your way of thinking, you will change the whole world inside you." Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
I would say...
"Never give up!"
Which I'm sure you have been told...
But I already know that "Giving up" is not an option within your soul." ~Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Conquer your fears, don't let your fears conquer you." Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
From my heart, I wish for you...
I wish you love and abundance always.
I wish you happiness and joy forever.
I wish you forgiveness and freedom from all that holds you back.
I wish you health and wealth because your health is your wealth.
I wish you trust and truth with yourself and others.
I wish you peace and harmony from now until eternity..
From my heart, I wish for you...
Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
Life has taught me that my attitude determines everything.
Life has taught me that if you don't let go of the past, you will never appreciate the present.
Life has taught me that through the hardest of times is when you will see the true strength of your soul.
Life has taught me that there is always something to be grateful for.
Life has taught me that we all have what it takes to make a difference in this world.
Life has taught me that if you don't have your health, you don't have anything, so cherish your body and take care of your soul.
Life has taught me that if you don't believe in yourself, then no one else will.
Life has taught me that change can be good.
Life has taught me that good friends are family.
Life has taught me to always follow my heart and never be afraid to love.
Life has taught me that the simple things in life are actually the most significant.
Life has taught me that you are the secret to your own your success.
Life has taught me that true wisdom is found in failure and gained through experience.
Life has taught me to always have passion and never stop pursuing your dreams.
Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Once you open yourself up to the universe, you will realize you have only scratched the surface of your true authentic self. The potential of your soul is truly endless and boundless beyond any expectations or dreams."
Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Following the whispers of your heart and the passion of your soul will ignite the fire in your spirit and makes your dreams come alive." Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Some have spirits that just can't be tamed." "Born Free"
Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
I know being and staying positive may not always be an easy task to do, but if you don't try, it's like handing negativity an invitation into your mind, allowing it to take over your thoughts like the plague."
♥ Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Sometimes we all need to be reminded that for so many of us our problems that we let bother us are really so insignificant compared to what is really going on in the world. Sometimes it's so easy to be selfish and think of only ourselves but that's what makes us human and there is always room to learn and grow. Find gratitude in your heart and remember to always count your blessings."
~♥~ Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"One of the hardest lesson in life is to unlearn what you have learned."
(((♥))) Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"You possess the power to think positive! By practicing positive self-talk and through the art of manifestation, you can change negative thoughts into powerful positive results. Become the master of your mind by becoming more aware of how you picture your life. Focus on what you want, not what you don't want or that is exactly what you will receive. Your thoughts are so powerful, they can create a future that flourishes, or a future that fails. Think Wisely!" ♥ Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Release your majestic mind, embrace your untamed spirit. Break free from captivity, avoid society...you were born to be free."
Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"I know personally the journey back to our true authentic selves isn't an easy one, but what I can say is that it is so worth it.
The world is so full of temptations and material things that keep us from focusing on what is truly is important and healthy in our lives. It is so easy to run away rather than face our fears and deal with all that eats us up inside.
It is almost always inevitable that the process of uncovering the truth that lies deep within the layers of your soul is going to be very painful but also a very profound spiritual and healing experience. It will take traveling through an emotional hell to finally reach your internal heaven. You will no longer be a prisoner of your own personal darkness, but liberated from the power of love and light. Awakening to a whole new way of knowing and being while discovering peace and stillness within. Heaven can exists in you."
Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Always give your all in everything you do, because when you look back you will know you did the best you could with what you had and you will be so grateful for how far you have come." Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Life...One gigantic test for the soul." Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"When you extend your hand, you extend your heart." Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"When it comes to love, so many times it is so hard to let go of what we can't control because we are busy holding on to false expectations. Emotionally attaching yourself to your own sentiments rather than facing the fact of reality can actually make you a victim of your own personal desires. Everyone is uniquely different, with personalities, standards and limitations. Where one can give abundantly, someone else may not be able to give at all. To put expectations on others of that which I expect of myself, is not fair to them or me. More times than not, this leads to disappointment and dissension. Hold on to hope, but let go of expectations. What will be will be. You can’t make someone love you, all you can do is be someone who can be loved, the rest is up to the person to realize your worth." Melanie M. Koulouris
"A healthy life means a happy life, a happy life means a healthy life." Melanie M. Koulouris
"If you want to be happy, it's time to commit to making positive changes in your life. One of the best ways to begin is with the powerful practice of gratitude. Start focusing on all the little things in your life you are thankful for rather than focusing on what is lacking. Practicing being grateful is a wonderful way of realizing just how blessed you really are. Start by jumping out of bed everyday being thank you for being alive, because that is the biggest blessing of all! "Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"I'm a true believer that everything happens for a reason. Thought you may not always understand why, I believe the most valuable lesson behind it is to make you stronger. Live in the moment, because that is all there is. Hold on to the good, and let go off the rest." Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Believing in yourself is the foundation to your dreams. It's amazing what you can accomplish when you simply believe." Melanie M Koulouris
"Hey you...I'm talking to YOU! Yes YOU...You are exactly where you should be, doing exactly what you should be doing. Own it and believe it. You may not agree with it, but that is the reality.
When you face it and embrace it, life becomes so much easier. There is no sense wishing you were someone else, somewhere else, doing something else because you were placed here for a reason and you have purpose. This very moment you are apart of something so much bigger than you...Hey you...I'm talking to YOU! Yes YOU...You are exactly where you should be, doing exactly what you should be doing. Own it and believe it. Face it and embrace it." Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Everyone has a story to tell, a lesson to teach, and wisdom to share... Life is a beautiful masterpiece bound together by your experiences. Open up and share your story; become an inspiration to others. You can make a difference because you matter. You were created with purpose. Live your life with intention, go out there and make a difference by being the difference."
"Be true to you, kind to others, and always listen to your heart because it never lies!" (((♥))) Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
`*.¸.*.♥.✿ ♥ I AM GRATEFUL! ♥ƸӜƷ˜”*°•.•.¸ღ¸☆´
I am grateful for all my sorrows that have shown me strength.
I am grateful for all my fears that have shown me how to love.
I am grateful for all my sadness that has shown me happiness.
I am grateful for all my enemies that have shown me what true friendship is.
I am grateful for all my life lessons that have shown me how to truly live.
•.¸ღ¸☆´Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
There are those who talk a lot, but there are also those who also never speak up! I would rather speak up than stay quiet! Express yourself! Never be bullied into silence! ♥ Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"A loss of communication with others, usually means a loss of communication with oneself."
Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Put more love, affection, and attention into yourself, and in return others will be draw to you by the abundance of internal love and joy you express. In return, you will receive more love, affection and attention than you have ever imagined. There is nothing more powerful than self love and once you find it, you can't keep it to yourself. Release the gates and free your heart. Let love, hope, and pure honestly flow freely like a waterfall."
(((♥))) Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"The only way of letting love and abundance flow easily into your life, is to first be aware of all negativity that holds you back. Pay attention to your thoughts because mostly what holds us back is ourselves. We become prisoner of our past by letting regret weigh on our minds instead of being grateful for all we have been through which has made us grow into who are today. The more challenges in life you experience, the wiser and stronger you actually become. Find gratefulness in all you go through, even the hardest of times. Release your past, release your fears, and let it all go." (((♥))) Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"All the books you read, video's you watch, and people you listen to, cannot teach you the wisdom of your soul. Have the courage to follow your heart and Intuition. Ask yourself, are you really awake? Your mind may be awake, but what good is a sleeping heart? Have more faith in "you" and less influence and trust in all that is around you. All The answers are within. The challenge now is to become aware of your truth and discover the light and love that has been there all along. Sometimes it's easier to hide in the dark than it is to live in light. May you find your light and always follow your heart." (((♥))) Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"No matter what you wish I could be, all I can be is me." (((♥))) Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Nothing is worth more than the wisdom I've gained from all my experiences." =)
Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Expose the beautiful essence of your inner spirit and proudly illuminate the powerful light you possess."
(((♥))) Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Every single person in this world has the power to be a part of a positive ripple effect. At this very moment YOU are capable of making an extraordinary difference in the world. Even a simple small kind deed can make a profound impact on the life of another. The most important essentials in life are free for a reason, so give away the endless supply of love in your heart, and the gracious goodness in your soul...
♥♥♥ "live to love and love to give." ♥♥♥ Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Never underestimate the power that is, and has always been within you." Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
We all possess within us what it takes to be happy and content with ourselves and our lives. To reach these places, we first have to accept our past, own responsibility for the present, and prepare for the changes of our future. We are the only one that is in control of our mind, body and souls...We must realize this in order to move forward. Have total confidence and believe in yourself! Believe you are not only worthy of being loved by others, but you are most importantly worthy of the love you give to yourself. Practice everyday, change your negative thoughts to positive, and in time, you will actually start to believe them. Don't wait, start making positive changes today! (((♥))) Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
✿♥✿ Every time you think a negative thought, remember this! ✿♥✿
"Negative thoughts will hold you back and weigh you down.
Positive thoughts will lift you up and set you free!" Choose wisely!
✿ܓMelanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Caring and sharing with one another is an equal balance and a forever overflow of light and love. (((♥)) Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Today I will focus on the positive energy I posses and let the power of love and light illuminate my soul." (((♥))) Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"We are all great students of life, growing from our experiences. The day we stop learning from life's lessons is the day we stop growing." ((★)) Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
Your happiness does not depend on your relationship
Your happiness does not depend on your friendships
Your happiness does not depend on your family
Your happiness does not depend on your job
Your happiness does not depend on your financial situation
Your happiness does not depend on your IQ
Your happiness depends on only YOU!
~♥~Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"It's not about forgetting the past, it's about accepting the past." (((♥))) Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Remember, anxiety is only worry and worry is only fear. Worry & fear are only negative thoughts! Change your thoughts & remember to breath." ♥ Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
“Lets go for a roller coaster ride through your subconscious soul, deep within the depths of your desirable dreams. Explore the creative side of the limitless boundaries of your imagination. Follow your heart and listen to your true intuition. It is there you will discover your magnificent self and extraordinary purpose in this life." (((♥))) Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Everyone has the choice to be a victim or a victor from their painful past experiences. It's all in how you perceive your experience. You can either become empowered by all that you went through, knowing you are a true survivor, or feel sorry for yourself and stay stuck in self pitty. You decide which you are, no one else...The one thing to always remember is...you define your past, your past does not define you!" Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Wisdom blossoms from those who have known defeat from their failures, and have learned from their mistakes."
✿ܓMelanie Moushigian Koulouris
"There is nothing greater than the power of love. It can heal pain from your past, bring light to your future and leave you in a state of bliss at any given moment." (((♥))) Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"I'm on a positive path and I'm never looking back." ~♥~ Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
Today I will begin on a journey to take down these bricks I've spent so long putting up. I will except all that has happened to me in the past and I will no longer mask my pain. I now realize my heart is precious, but it is also the strongest part of me. No matter what I go through, I will work hard at letting the light within my heart that I possess shine proudly. I know this won't be easy, so I will start with one brick at a time. I will give my all to let love in. I am no longer afraid. I now know the world is NOT out to get me. I am love and love is me. I will break down these walls that will finally set me free. I'm ready to show the world who I am supposed to be...
"Dedicated to all my dear friends out there guarding their precious hearts. It's time to tear down those walls and let love and light shine to and through you."
"YOU CAN DO IT!" "One DAY at a time, One BRICK at time!" =)
Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Life is an amazing journey, each new sun that rises is another day to strive toward awakening to self fulfillment. Anyone is capable of having an extraordinary life! Use the power of faith to keep you inspired and motivated toward finding greatness. Stay focused on your dreams and aspirations. Always listen to your intuition and let your internal glow light your way." Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Teach and train your thoughts to be positive on a daily basis with no pressures of yesterday, and no final destination for the future. "Be Positive Now" ~Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
Believe in the person you see in the mirror, because you no longer live in the past, are consumed by self doubt, or need the approval of others. Truly believe you are exactly who you are suppose be."
(((♥))) Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"When the soul communicates, it's sends messages from the heart and they blossoms into beautiful bouquets of emotion." ♥ Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Limitless dreams, a vivacious attitude for life and an innovative imagination will inspire you to discover the infinite possibilities that you are capable of creating with the positive and conscious insight you carry within your powerful and vibrant soul. Explore, Discover and Release." (((♥))) Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Choices, chances, trust and trances. love is the lucid recipe to life." ♥ Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"When words flow freely, poetry whistle in the wind of my fleeting heart." Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"When getting in touch with ourselves spiritually, our daily learning experience is as if we were born yesterday, understanding life as it comes at us with each new dawn. We become vulnerable and humbled by each lesson we learn growing stronger, grateful, and more at peace with ourselves by every experience that brings us true wisdom."
(((♥))) Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Life is all about adapting, acceptance, and survival." ~Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Love is like a whisper in the wind, and a tear drop in the rain." ~Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Love is everywhere and a part of everything. It spreads like the wind & flows like water. You may not be able to see it, but it is all around!" ☆ Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"You possess the power to create your ultimate internal and external paradise. It all beings with a healthy and peaceful state of mind. Anyone can live a blissful life filled with passion and great admiration. Celebrate your life with love and gratitude by giving thanks for this very precious moment, as well as all the wonderful blessing that surround you everyday. No one can stop you from facing every step of this journey with a positive, optimistic, and enthusiastic attitude! Put your best foot forward today and everyday!"
☀***°•.¸☆ Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
Take a ride though your subconscious Soul...
“Lets go for a rollercoaster ride through your subconscious soul, deep within the depths of your desirable dreams. Explore the creative side of the limitless boundaries of your imagination. Follow your heart and listen to your true intuition. It is there you will discover your magnificent self and extraordinary purpose in this life." (((♥))) Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Always continue to fuel the internal flame that lies deep within your soul w
"Find trust in yourself and your universe. The magic begins when your dreams and reality become synchronized. True harmony is when you surrender all your power to the universe, it is then you can conquer all your dreams." (((♥))) Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Everyday, try to find time to sit in complete and total silence with yourself. Dig down deep to the center of you soul and listen to your heart. Find your inner voice and it is there you will find true peace."
Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
Remember to always stay positive and look in the direction of you goals.
Remember to always stay honest and true to yourself.
Remember to always stay in a state of love, generously giving your heart to all of those around you.
Remember to always stay open-minded and understanding.
Remember to always stay humbly grateful for all that life has gifted you with.
(((♥))) Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Voices of the heart will echo into eternity." (((♥))) ~Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"The more love and passion you put into something, the more it will grow." Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Life is wild ride, hold on tight or get left behind!" ♥ Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
The Butterfly and Life; The Beauty of Physical and Spiritual Metamorphosis...
Butterflies are a representation of the cycle of life. An example of the true beauty of the physical and spiritual Journey we all experience and venture through. Starting out helpless and new to the world, eventually embracing change, blossoming into a magnificent colorful, one of kind creation with a world of possibilities and freedom to explore all that life endures. Spread your wings and fly... Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"We are all placed here on this earth with our own visions and our own views. Each of us created uniquely to share, compare, and learn from one another. In essence we are all "ONE" joined at the heart. No one is better than the other regardless of status or differences because we are all created equal. We all come into this world the same way and we all leave the same way. What we do in between should be to seek out, find, and follow the spiritual journey that lies within each of us and once we do, use the answers to pass on and teach others the wisdom we have learned from our experiences to strengthen the unity in the world. Life is about connections first with oneself and then with one another. Everything comes full circle, that is why is important to beware of envy and beware of greed because what you project is what you receive and it echo's on into eternity." «☆ love & light ☆» (((♥))) Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"We all have a purpose. Each one of us have a meaning in this life time. We are joined together by our hearts and bonded together by our souls. We are all connected because we are one" Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Love is blind but so is Ego...Love is blind because you see with your heart not with your eyes and ego is blind because you see with you eyes and not with your heart." Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"It's NEVER too late to start living the life you have always dreamed of." ((♥)) Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Freedom is the fertilizer
Love is the leaves
Honesty is the root
Truth is the seed."
~Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"You would never clip an Eagle's wings or hold a butterfly captive in a jar so it couldn't be free to fly, so why would you hold your spirit back from soaring beyond the clouds. Every single one of us has the wings to fly...it just takes believing in ourselves and knowing we have what it takes to get our feet off the ground. Believe you are free and your soul will soar." ~Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ~ Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Faith, Hope, and Love are three very important essentials in life that can not be seen with the eye, but believed in your heart and felt deep within your soul." (((♥))) Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"In order to connect to the spiritual rhythmic harmony of your soul, you must first disconnect yourself from all the negative influences in your life.
Detach yourself from unhealthy relationships including friends, family and lovers.
Let go of all doubts, fears, regrets and worries.
Rebuild your personal spiritual beliefs and set on to the journey of your inner discovery.
Begin to reconnect to your true authentic self.
Focus and meditate only on emotions and feelings of your own heart without any outside interferences.
Listen deeply and intuitively to your own subconscious desires.
Awaken to the truth that will be found from the light within your transcending heart and the spiritual bliss that has been waiting for you all along." (((♥))) Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"No time is ever wasted, everything happens for a reason. Even the hardest of days."
Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Set limitless boundaries when it comes to bringing your dreams to life.
Fuel your passion with zest and enthusiasm.
Exceed your personal expectations by surrendering your destiny to the divine universe knowing the power and energy being generated is beyond our humanly control." Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"We are what we choose to see, be, and believe." Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Dance and sing to the poetic song that lives within the harmony of your heart just waiting to be sung."
Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Traveling without directions, leading with no path exposed.
Taking each step as if my eyes have been covered by a blindfold.
Following only the vibrations from within heart, guiding me which way to go.
I know I'll find my way, I'll never doubt my soul.
Each step I take is aimlessly composed without a care, as if I am walking on air.
Waking to the journey of life, a mysterious manifest orchestrated only by destiny."
Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Fly off into the sunset my beautiful Seagull, you are free to spread your wings and paint the sky every color of your beautiful soul." ((♥))) Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Don't let one single day pass you by without being grateful for what is right in front of you."
Blessings to all! (((♥))) Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Each and every one of us is unique like a fingerprint. Our souls have their own personal design and no two people in the world are the same. Always remember how special you are and that there is no person out there that is exactly like you. Stand proud and believe in yourself because you are truly a gift and have so much to offer in this life time, you just have to believe it." «☆ love & light ☆» • (((♥)))Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Unite the world as one!" "We can conquer anything when we put our heart's and soul's into it together!"
Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
'Transcending emotions rushing through my veins.
Pure love and energy released and untamed.
Freedom from a captive state,
Like a bird who has escaped from it's cage.
A feeling moving faster than the speed of sound.
My heart beat flutters beyond the highest cloud.
Surrounded by shooting stars filled of loving beams of light,
Illuminating the sky's most darkest night."
~♥~Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"In the end all that will matter is if I made my life matter." Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"The Sun's generous and endless supply of love and light can warm and heal any hurting heart."
(((SUN))) Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"My love for you is perpetual, infinite, and everlasting. You move my heart beyond the place where my soul dwells." Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Journey deep within your subconscious mind...beyond the boundaries of your imagination, that is where you will find your truth." Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Choices, chances, trust and trances. love is the lucid recipe to life." ♥ Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"There is nothing greater than the power of love. It can heal pain from your past, bring light to your future and leave you in a state of bliss at any given moment." (((♥))) Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Limitless dreams, a vivacious attitude for life and an innovative imagination will inspire you to discover the infinite possibilities that you are capable of creating with the positive and conscious insight you carry within your powerful and vibrant soul. Explore, Discover and Release." (((♥))) Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"So very grateful knowing all that I have is all that I need!" ♥ Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"You Possess the Power...Take complete confidence in yourself knowing you are in total control of your own thoughts. No one but you decides your fate. A strong positive attitude and a heart full of gratefulness with an appreciation for life's simple abundances will bring you true happiness.
Live in a state of love and peace with yourself and you will with the world." (((♥))) Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Change must first begin in your thoughts which then communicates with your soul, it is then you find the answers within your heart." (((♥))) Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Open your heart and let your loving vibes levitate. Set your spirit in motion and let your soul fly freely, defying gravity." Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"I've never been happier than where I am standing today because I can say I am 100% myself and completely exposed from the inside out and it's the best feeling in the world!" ♥ Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
Share your pure and endless supply of one of the most precious gifts in life you are guaranteed to never run out of...LOVE...You can never give or get enough, always remember that! ♥ ♥ ♥ Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"If you really listen, life is one long beautiful love song." ♥ Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"I'm a strong believer that every single tear you have shed, laugh you let out, love and heartbreak you have lived through, and all of Life's pain you have endured, has all been a part of a perfect design building you to become the person you are today...to be able to carry on and share your wisdom with the world."
Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"It's a beautiful world out there, you just have seek out the good and you are sure to find it!"
Melanie Moushigian Koulouris♥
"Don't ever let the negativity of other people pull you down or take away your smile as long as you know your a good person and you give your all, you never have to question yourself." Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Unlock your intuition and let your heart and soul guide you." ♥ Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"My heart is full of desire~ burning like a red hot flame of fire, growing higher and higher overwhelmed with dreams and desire" ♥ Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"MUSIC is like the SUN is to the SOUL!" ♥ Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"We are all in this dream together because we are ONE." ♥ Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Some of the best choices I've ever made in my life were to change." Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Let our musical souls blend together in a colorful dance called harmony."
♥ ~Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"If you love, trust, and find truth within yourself, then you can never be deceived." You are all you need to believe....~♥~Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"The Heart knows only one language and that is the language of love." ♥ Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Let the Kinetic energy flow freely and infectiously through your positive mind, body and soul"
Melanie Moushigian Koulouris♥
"Dancing is when the music flows through out my mind causing my body to become the instrument."
Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"A simple life means a humble life and a humble life means a happy life." Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"It's ok not to know, life is filled with mystery and change. If you live by standards and consistency, you are only setting yourself up for disappointment. Life is all about change, every second, the world, the weather, earth, emotions, are all constantly changing. Live for the moment because no one has the power to control time, so go with the flow and absorb all you can along the way." ~Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Live & Love Liberty, feel my desire, set your soul on fire and be free with Me!" Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Some crave the Love of Richness, while others crave the Richness of Love." Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"If you are constantly focusing on other people and their lives, you have no time to focus on fixing yourself and your own life. Truth, Happiness, and Peace is found from within." Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"You are like the ocean and I am like the sun, two untouchable together, but forever in a world as one." Melanie Moushgian Koulouris
"You can teach people but you can make them learn." Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"It's amazing the beautiful things you can experience and bonds you can make with people when you leave your heart wide open!" ♥ Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"The memory of the heart can never be erased." ~♥~Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"You are constantly hearing "forget the past" I don't want you to forget the past because first of all, it's impossible to forget.
If you forget, then it means you will forget the lessons you learned and you are most likely to repeat them.
Embrace your past, appreciate your trials and tribulations, those are the most important times in your life because pain creates power within the soul.
It doesn't weaken you, it's actually strengthens you.
Change your thoughts about your past and your pain, appreciate the wisdom you have gained."
«☆ love & light ☆» • ♥ • Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"I always speak the truth because I speak from the heart, and my heart knows how not to lie." Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"I know what I feel and I know what I feel is real because it grows stronger everyday!" Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Anything is possible, it's only impossible if you think it is." Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Dreams really do come true because all I ever wanted I found it in you!" Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Life isn't about making others happy, it's about sharing your happiness with others." Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Negativity is poison to the soul. It's takes over quickly and eventually will destroy you and all those around you." ~Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"You are like the Ocean and I am like the Sun, two untouchable together but forever in a world as One."
Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Raising your spiritual energy opens you to different levels of consciousness. Through awareness and communication with the internal vibrations of your heart, you will become more intuitive. Internal guidance will increase mental focus and improve the balance of your mind body and soul." Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"First time ever I looked into your eyes,
I was instantly lost in kaleidoscope skies".
Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"We are all perfect because of our beautiful imperfections." Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"When words flow freely, poetry whistle in the wind of my fleeting heart." Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"You can't tear apart what is joined at the heart." Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Love is blind because you see with your heart not with your eyes and ego is blind because you see with you eyes and not with your heart." Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Come to see the truth within yourself and your path will be shown." Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Embrace your fears, Embrace the sun in your eyes, Embrace the darkness of the night, for no one can take away your tomorrow!" Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Life can be lived as Heaven or Life can be lived as Hell, give in to God's gates or live under the Devil's spell." Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Free will is God's gift; wasted talent is the Devil's gift." By. Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"If I could reach out and help one person, touch one heart,
my time on earth has been well spent." Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Life is a winding road with jagged edges, balance is the key to the gates of heaven." Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Until you see the truth within yourself, it's so easy to believe the lies on the outside."
Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"The sooner you realize just how tough life really is, the easier it will become."
Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Be careful with getting caught up in your ego thinking you have all the answers, because sometimes your answers are not always the answers for someone else." Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Sometimes others pull you down without even noticing, because they really need a lift up." (((♥))) Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"As much as I love the light of life, I appreciate the darkness too. There is beauty in both because both are pure and true." Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"When you truly speak from God, you create harmony not harm". "The truth is divine."
Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Some people seek and search for who they are and why they exist, when all you have to do is lose yourself to find out who you really are." By. Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"You can only grow by letting go." By. Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"I'm a fire sign, can you feel my soul of fire?" ~♥~ Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Lift your spirit, free your soul! Surround yourself with love, laughter, and all that is positive. Love life, be free!"
Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Inhale all Positivity and Exhale all Negativity." Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"You can love someone, but you can't make them love you." ♥ Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"I've realized that when you just go with the flow of life and stop trying to make things happen, everything in time will work itself out and beautiful things will happen!" :) By. Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Always follow the positive path with perseverance." By. Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Remember me not through the tears your eyes have shed in sadness, but for the smiles I have brought to your heart from happiness." (((♥))) Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Positivity feeds on positivity and spreads like wild fire!" ♥ ~Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Positive energy is infectious, keep it flowing!" By. Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"World Peace is possible...if we first start with peace within ourselves then we are able to pass it on to one another." PASS THE PEACE!! (((♥))) Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
Open your eyes
Open your mind
Open your arms
Open your heart
Open your soul...
If these parts of you are not open, then how are you supposed to let the positive and good things in and let the negative out? Free yourself from all that keeps you from happiness. It's time to let go...
OPEN YOURSELF UP TO YOUR LIFE'S PURPOSE!~♥~ Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"I roam this earth with a Gypsy soul and a heart of fire for all the world to see." By. Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"In all that is full of laughter, is full of love..." By. Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Don't ever be afraid to open the gates to your soul." By. Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Hold my hand and walk through this journey with me that we call life. I ask nothing more from you than to hold my hand and join me." ♥ ~Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"I hope I can touch a million lives and grow a million bonds with the world." By. Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Practice and promote positivity everyday!" ~ ♥ Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
Somebody said there is no such thing as Santa Claus because he's not real.
Somebody said there is no such thing as the Easter Bunny because he's not real.
Somebody said there is no such thing as the Devil because he's not real.
Somebody said there is no such things as God because he's not real.
My response is there is a Santa Clause, an Easter Bunny, a Tooth Fairy, a Devil, and God because they all live within the spirit...what you believe is true and does exist. What you believe is alive and real inside you....
(((♥))) Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"The one thing I have learned is.. "The Devil comes in all shapes and sizes with many disguises...He preys on the hearts of the purest inside us." Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Sometimes we all need to take a time out and begin a spiritual detox. It's a time for meditation and a time to become consciousness and more aware of the of internal energy and vibrations within your heart. It is a time to release negative thoughts, emotions, habits, and people from your life. Purge the toxins from your soul and start anew. Boost yourself esteem and remove any spiritual blocks. The more toxins you dispose of, the more balanced your mind, body and soul will become." (((♥))) Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Let go... Let go of negative thoughts, let go of guilt, let go of anger, let go of pain, let go of all that holds you back from all the wonderful possibilities that are right inside of you just waiting to be discovered. If you don't take risks, there will be no rewards." ~ ♥ Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"If you could spend one moment in my mind and one second in my heart, you would never doubt my love for you."
Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Worship your body for it is the sanctuary for your soul." Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Each one of us have an amazing and powerful current of energy that flows freely and naturally through us and to us from one another like the flow of water." (((♥))) Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Dreams and aspirations are driven by passion, inspiration and ambition...fueled by dedication, motivation and perseverance." Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"True happiness comes to those who dare to live out their passion, no matter what anyone else tells them." LIVE YOUR DREAM! Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Love is limitless without absolutely no boundaries." (((♥))) Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"In order to connect to the spiritual rhythmic harmony of your soul, you must first disconnect yourself from all the negative influences in your life.
Detach yourself from unhealthy relationships including friends, family and lovers.
Let go of all doubts, fears, regrets and worries.
Rebuild your personal spiritual beliefs and set on to the journey of your inner discovery.
Begin to reconnect to your true authentic self.
Focus and meditate only on emotions and feelings of your own heart without any outside interferences.
Listen deeply and intuitively to your own subconscious desires.
It is then you will awaken to the truth that will be found from the light within your transcending heart and the spiritual bliss that has been waiting for you all along." (((♥))) Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
Share your pure and endless supply of love is one of the most precious gifts in life you are guaranteed to never run out of...LOVE...You can never give or get enough, always remember that! Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"I've never been happier than where I am standing today because I can say I am 100% myself and completely exposed from the inside out and it's the best feeling in the world!" ♥ Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
Freedom is the fertilizer
Love is the leaves
Honesty is the root
Truth is the seed...
~Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Don't let one single day pass you by without being grateful for what is right in front of you." Blessings to all! ♥ Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Harmonically connect with the universe. Find your inner spirit & authentic self. Discover your purpose through internal peace!" ~Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"We are always growing and learning..that's why life is so beautiful because there is always room for change." (((♥))) Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"The ultimate key to success is positive thinking and a positive attitude."
"Plan, pursue, and persevere," (((♥))) Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"I live with my feet on the ground, soul in the sky, and my heart open as wide as the ocean."
Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Raising your spiritual energy opens you to different levels of consciousness. Through awareness and communication with the internal vibrations of your heart, you will become more intuitive. Internal guidance will increase mental focus and improve the balance of your mind body and soul." Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"When people hear the word change, right away they get scared because they are stepping out of their comfort zone. Change can be one of the best decisions you could ever make. Changing your attitude, your energy, your life style all could open your world up to so many amazing possibilities. Go for it...If you are not happy, then you need to change! Aren't you worth being happy? If your feeling this, then it is time to start making those positive changes!"
Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"If you are unhappy and waiting for something or someone outside of yourself to change, the problem is you could be waiting your whole life to be happy. You have to take control and take a stand in your own life and make it happen. There is nothing, or no one who is responsible for making that happen but you! Happiness comes from within, it's a positive mind set that does not depend upon the outside circumstances that are going on in your life. Start today, happiness is just one positive thought away."
Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"You are a soulful warrior! Every single one of you has what it takes to survive through any challenge that comes your way! No matter how bad things seem in the moment, know you are never helpless and you are never hopeless. You are not a victim of your current circumstances and you will not stand to be imprisoned by them. Just by changing the way you view the challenges in your life and by believing in the power of love and the power of positive thinking, you can ignite the strength of your soul and spark the warrior inside you. Your emotions are a mirror of your thoughts, when you change your way of thinking, you will change the whole world inside you." Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
I would say...
"Never give up!"
Which I'm sure you have been told...
But I already know that "Giving up" is not an option within your soul." ~Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Conquer your fears, don't let your fears conquer you." Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
From my heart, I wish for you...
I wish you love and abundance always.
I wish you happiness and joy forever.
I wish you forgiveness and freedom from all that holds you back.
I wish you health and wealth because your health is your wealth.
I wish you trust and truth with yourself and others.
I wish you peace and harmony from now until eternity..
From my heart, I wish for you...
Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
Life has taught me that my attitude determines everything.
Life has taught me that if you don't let go of the past, you will never appreciate the present.
Life has taught me that through the hardest of times is when you will see the true strength of your soul.
Life has taught me that there is always something to be grateful for.
Life has taught me that we all have what it takes to make a difference in this world.
Life has taught me that if you don't have your health, you don't have anything, so cherish your body and take care of your soul.
Life has taught me that if you don't believe in yourself, then no one else will.
Life has taught me that change can be good.
Life has taught me that good friends are family.
Life has taught me to always follow my heart and never be afraid to love.
Life has taught me that the simple things in life are actually the most significant.
Life has taught me that you are the secret to your own your success.
Life has taught me that true wisdom is found in failure and gained through experience.
Life has taught me to always have passion and never stop pursuing your dreams.
Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Once you open yourself up to the universe, you will realize you have only scratched the surface of your true authentic self. The potential of your soul is truly endless and boundless beyond any expectations or dreams."
Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Following the whispers of your heart and the passion of your soul will ignite the fire in your spirit and makes your dreams come alive." Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Some have spirits that just can't be tamed." "Born Free"
Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
I know being and staying positive may not always be an easy task to do, but if you don't try, it's like handing negativity an invitation into your mind, allowing it to take over your thoughts like the plague."
♥ Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Sometimes we all need to be reminded that for so many of us our problems that we let bother us are really so insignificant compared to what is really going on in the world. Sometimes it's so easy to be selfish and think of only ourselves but that's what makes us human and there is always room to learn and grow. Find gratitude in your heart and remember to always count your blessings."
~♥~ Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"One of the hardest lesson in life is to unlearn what you have learned."
(((♥))) Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"You possess the power to think positive! By practicing positive self-talk and through the art of manifestation, you can change negative thoughts into powerful positive results. Become the master of your mind by becoming more aware of how you picture your life. Focus on what you want, not what you don't want or that is exactly what you will receive. Your thoughts are so powerful, they can create a future that flourishes, or a future that fails. Think Wisely!" ♥ Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Release your majestic mind, embrace your untamed spirit. Break free from captivity, avoid society...you were born to be free."
Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"I know personally the journey back to our true authentic selves isn't an easy one, but what I can say is that it is so worth it.
The world is so full of temptations and material things that keep us from focusing on what is truly is important and healthy in our lives. It is so easy to run away rather than face our fears and deal with all that eats us up inside.
It is almost always inevitable that the process of uncovering the truth that lies deep within the layers of your soul is going to be very painful but also a very profound spiritual and healing experience. It will take traveling through an emotional hell to finally reach your internal heaven. You will no longer be a prisoner of your own personal darkness, but liberated from the power of love and light. Awakening to a whole new way of knowing and being while discovering peace and stillness within. Heaven can exists in you."
Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Always give your all in everything you do, because when you look back you will know you did the best you could with what you had and you will be so grateful for how far you have come." Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Life...One gigantic test for the soul." Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"When you extend your hand, you extend your heart." Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"When it comes to love, so many times it is so hard to let go of what we can't control because we are busy holding on to false expectations. Emotionally attaching yourself to your own sentiments rather than facing the fact of reality can actually make you a victim of your own personal desires. Everyone is uniquely different, with personalities, standards and limitations. Where one can give abundantly, someone else may not be able to give at all. To put expectations on others of that which I expect of myself, is not fair to them or me. More times than not, this leads to disappointment and dissension. Hold on to hope, but let go of expectations. What will be will be. You can’t make someone love you, all you can do is be someone who can be loved, the rest is up to the person to realize your worth." Melanie M. Koulouris
"A healthy life means a happy life, a happy life means a healthy life." Melanie M. Koulouris
"If you want to be happy, it's time to commit to making positive changes in your life. One of the best ways to begin is with the powerful practice of gratitude. Start focusing on all the little things in your life you are thankful for rather than focusing on what is lacking. Practicing being grateful is a wonderful way of realizing just how blessed you really are. Start by jumping out of bed everyday being thank you for being alive, because that is the biggest blessing of all! "Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"I'm a true believer that everything happens for a reason. Thought you may not always understand why, I believe the most valuable lesson behind it is to make you stronger. Live in the moment, because that is all there is. Hold on to the good, and let go off the rest." Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Believing in yourself is the foundation to your dreams. It's amazing what you can accomplish when you simply believe." Melanie M Koulouris
"Hey you...I'm talking to YOU! Yes YOU...You are exactly where you should be, doing exactly what you should be doing. Own it and believe it. You may not agree with it, but that is the reality.
When you face it and embrace it, life becomes so much easier. There is no sense wishing you were someone else, somewhere else, doing something else because you were placed here for a reason and you have purpose. This very moment you are apart of something so much bigger than you...Hey you...I'm talking to YOU! Yes YOU...You are exactly where you should be, doing exactly what you should be doing. Own it and believe it. Face it and embrace it." Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Everyone has a story to tell, a lesson to teach, and wisdom to share... Life is a beautiful masterpiece bound together by your experiences. Open up and share your story; become an inspiration to others. You can make a difference because you matter. You were created with purpose. Live your life with intention, go out there and make a difference by being the difference."
Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Something beautiful can blossom even on the darkest of days."
~ Melanie M. Koulouris
Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Dig down deep into your soul and figure out what it is that you are passionate about and bring it to life! There is no other way to live. Do what you were born to do and get started today!"~ Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"These very moments are your memories, make them worth remembering."
~ Melanie M. Koulouris
"Be grateful for this day for it will never come again. Go out there and make it happen. Be happy now! Give it all you got because this is all you have!"
♥ Melanie M Koulouris
"Believe me when I say, you are a force to be reckoned with. Within you lies everything you need to live the life that you desire. Let your passion be your driver. Believe that you have all you need within you to concur all that holds you back. Fear is the enemy and faith is your friend. Once you realize fear is nothing but an illusion, faith will give you wings to fly." ~ Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Live through your experiences, embrace your mistakes for they teach you the most valuable lessons in life." ~ Melanie M. Koulouris
"Your internal path to truth will light your way out of the darkness."
~ Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Do your best to keep an optimistic outlook on life, focus only on positive outcomes. Expect good things and great things will happen."
~ Melanie M. Koulouris
"Creativity is an inner source of light that blossoms and breeds when given what it needs."
Melanie M. Koulouris
Life is so short. we spend so much time sweating the small stuff; worrying, complaining, gossiping, comparing, wishing, wanting and waiting for something bigger and better instead of focusing on all the simple blessed that surround us everyday. Life is so fragile and all it takes is a single moment to change everything you take for granted. Focus on what's important and be grateful!
Melanie M. Koulouris
"Creativity is an inner source of light that blossoms and breeds when given what it needs."
Melanie M. Koulouris
"There is no sense in punishing your future for the mistakes of your past. Forgive yourself, grow from it, and then let it go." ~ Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Try to look at the painful moments in life as giving you strength rather than taking it from you. Embrace the pain then release it. Learn from it then move on from it. Don't continue to dwell on it or carry it around with you or you will never fully heal from it. Pain is a part of life and the challenge is to break through it." ~ Melanie Koulouris
"Harmony is a beautiful balance between mind, body and soul measured in tender peaceful moments." Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Everyone is on their own personal journey seeking their own truth. Sometimes we take things too personal. I have found that in order to really grow as a soul, you have to come to an understanding that no matter what someone else has done to you, no matter what you with them to be, people are who they are. The less you expect from them, the less you can be hurt by them."
Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Life is my guru, constantly teaching me what I need to know. Placing exactly who and what I need in my life to grow as a soul."
Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Take a stand and speak your truth. Realize you are worthy of being loved and don't let anyone treat you less than. It is up to you to respect and protect your spirit. This is your life and your journey, make the best of it. Don't let anyone stand in the way of your happiness."
~ Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Healers are Spiritual Warriors who have found the courage to defeat the darkness of their souls. Awakening and rising from the depths of their deepest fears, like a Phoenix rising from the ashes. Reborn with a wisdom and strength that creates a light that shines bright enough to help, encourage, and inspire others out of their own darkness."
~ Melanie Mouhigian Koulouris
"Shift your thoughts into a more positive perspective and start really appreciating your life.
Find gratitude for all the pain you have experienced in your past and appreciate all the joy that there is to come.
Life isn't mapped out to be filled with a bunch of easy shortcuts.
You have to work at creating the life you have always long to live.
The only way you are going to get to that point is if go after what it is you strive to be. You have all you need right within you to make the changes you need to apply to your life.
Don't seek to find it else where or depend on someone else to do it for you.
You have to be passionate about your life and you have to have a hunger for what it is you want.
You also need to learn to roll with the punches because life can be messy but it can also can be absolutely beautiful!
It's all in how you look at life and it's all in how much you appreciate it.
Do your best to live your best life!"
~ Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"May your day be blessed with an abundance of peace, love and gratitude." Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Take a deep breath in, feel the sun on your soul.
Start fresh today, make peace your goal."
Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"You don't have to be perfect to help others,
all you have to do is care enough to make a difference."
Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Live bravely enough to follow the calling in your heart."
Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Wake up and greet each and every day with a vivacious spirit and positive attitude."
Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Live your life courageously enough to bare your soul to one another and love wholeheartedly."
Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"love your whole story even if it hasn't been the perfect fairy tale." Melanie Moushigian koulouris
"There is nothing more powerful, cosmic, and spiritually exquisite than the connection of two souls meeting for the first time in the human world. An instant comfort found within each other as though you have know each other forever. If meeting is for nothing more than for validation that we are right where we are supposed to be. Indulging in the moment and embracing the fact that there are no such thing as coincidences in this Universe. We are all made up of energy being passed on to one another. We are all connected to something greater than our very existence, just waiting to be discovered."
And so, we meet again.....
Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"We are all seekers, and we are all teachers; of divine love and truth." ~ Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Painful experiences in life are not meant to cause us to suffer, but to teach us something about ourselves and to make us stronger."
~ Melanie Moushigain Koulouris
"The deeper the darkness, the brighter the light. Don't ever give up, you will win this fight." - Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Style is a form art. Freedom and personal expression. Wearing your inner spirit on the outside!"
Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
Who you are is what lies deep in the center of your being.
You are not the color of your skin.
You are not the extra weight on your body.
You are not your negative thoughts.
You are not the pain in your heart.
You are not your wounds.
You are not the unkind things that others say you are.
Who you are is what lies deep in the center of your being.
You are pure.
You are light.
You are peace.
You are undamaged.
You are a divine spirit.
You are love.
Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"So many people are only willing to touch the surface levels of life. They are afraid to be awaken to the truth. Staying limited to only what they know rather what they are capable of. Becoming trapped in a state of fear and ego. Ignoring their intuitive compass. A spiritual breakthrough is the only way to connect to your higher-self and experience a truly authentic life." Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"What many people don't understand is the heart and soul need time to heal when wounded just as much as physical wounds do. Don't expect for the pain to ever go away if you don't give yourself a chance to heal." Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Heal the hurt, don't hide the pain." Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"love your whole story even if it hasn't been the perfect fairy tale." Melanie Moushigian koulouris
"When I look back, I see a lot of darkness and pain, but I also see wisdom and life lessons which have shaped me into the person I am today." Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Dig down deep into your soul and figure out what it is that you are passionate about and bring it to life. There is no other way to live. Do what you were born to do and get started today."
Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Always give your all in everything you do, because when you look back you will know you did the best you could with what you had and you will be so grateful for how far you have come." Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Something beautiful can blossom even on the darkest of days."
~ Melanie M. Koulouris
Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Dig down deep into your soul and figure out what it is that you are passionate about and bring it to life! There is no other way to live. Do what you were born to do and get started today!"~ Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"These very moments are your memories, make them worth remembering."
~ Melanie M. Koulouris
"Be grateful for this day for it will never come again. Go out there and make it happen. Be happy now! Give it all you got because this is all you have!"
♥ Melanie M Koulouris
"Believe me when I say, you are a force to be reckoned with. Within you lies everything you need to live the life that you desire. Let your passion be your driver. Believe that you have all you need within you to concur all that holds you back. Fear is the enemy and faith is your friend. Once you realize fear is nothing but an illusion, faith will give you wings to fly." ~ Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Live through your experiences, embrace your mistakes for they teach you the most valuable lessons in life." ~ Melanie M. Koulouris
"Your internal path to truth will light your way out of the darkness."
~ Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Do your best to keep an optimistic outlook on life, focus only on positive outcomes. Expect good things and great things will happen."
~ Melanie M. Koulouris
"Creativity is an inner source of light that blossoms and breeds when given what it needs."
Melanie M. Koulouris
Life is so short. we spend so much time sweating the small stuff; worrying, complaining, gossiping, comparing, wishing, wanting and waiting for something bigger and better instead of focusing on all the simple blessed that surround us everyday. Life is so fragile and all it takes is a single moment to change everything you take for granted. Focus on what's important and be grateful!
Melanie M. Koulouris
"Creativity is an inner source of light that blossoms and breeds when given what it needs."
Melanie M. Koulouris
"There is no sense in punishing your future for the mistakes of your past. Forgive yourself, grow from it, and then let it go." ~ Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Try to look at the painful moments in life as giving you strength rather than taking it from you. Embrace the pain then release it. Learn from it then move on from it. Don't continue to dwell on it or carry it around with you or you will never fully heal from it. Pain is a part of life and the challenge is to break through it." ~ Melanie Koulouris
"Harmony is a beautiful balance between mind, body and soul measured in tender peaceful moments." Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Everyone is on their own personal journey seeking their own truth. Sometimes we take things too personal. I have found that in order to really grow as a soul, you have to come to an understanding that no matter what someone else has done to you, no matter what you with them to be, people are who they are. The less you expect from them, the less you can be hurt by them."
Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Life is my guru, constantly teaching me what I need to know. Placing exactly who and what I need in my life to grow as a soul."
Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Take a stand and speak your truth. Realize you are worthy of being loved and don't let anyone treat you less than. It is up to you to respect and protect your spirit. This is your life and your journey, make the best of it. Don't let anyone stand in the way of your happiness."
~ Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Healers are Spiritual Warriors who have found the courage to defeat the darkness of their souls. Awakening and rising from the depths of their deepest fears, like a Phoenix rising from the ashes. Reborn with a wisdom and strength that creates a light that shines bright enough to help, encourage, and inspire others out of their own darkness."
~ Melanie Mouhigian Koulouris
"Shift your thoughts into a more positive perspective and start really appreciating your life.
Find gratitude for all the pain you have experienced in your past and appreciate all the joy that there is to come.
Life isn't mapped out to be filled with a bunch of easy shortcuts.
You have to work at creating the life you have always long to live.
The only way you are going to get to that point is if go after what it is you strive to be. You have all you need right within you to make the changes you need to apply to your life.
Don't seek to find it else where or depend on someone else to do it for you.
You have to be passionate about your life and you have to have a hunger for what it is you want.
You also need to learn to roll with the punches because life can be messy but it can also can be absolutely beautiful!
It's all in how you look at life and it's all in how much you appreciate it.
Do your best to live your best life!"
~ Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"May your day be blessed with an abundance of peace, love and gratitude." Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Take a deep breath in, feel the sun on your soul.
Start fresh today, make peace your goal."
Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"You don't have to be perfect to help others,
all you have to do is care enough to make a difference."
Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Live bravely enough to follow the calling in your heart."
Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Wake up and greet each and every day with a vivacious spirit and positive attitude."
Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Live your life courageously enough to bare your soul to one another and love wholeheartedly."
Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"love your whole story even if it hasn't been the perfect fairy tale." Melanie Moushigian koulouris
"There is nothing more powerful, cosmic, and spiritually exquisite than the connection of two souls meeting for the first time in the human world. An instant comfort found within each other as though you have know each other forever. If meeting is for nothing more than for validation that we are right where we are supposed to be. Indulging in the moment and embracing the fact that there are no such thing as coincidences in this Universe. We are all made up of energy being passed on to one another. We are all connected to something greater than our very existence, just waiting to be discovered."
And so, we meet again.....
Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"We are all seekers, and we are all teachers; of divine love and truth." ~ Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Painful experiences in life are not meant to cause us to suffer, but to teach us something about ourselves and to make us stronger."
~ Melanie Moushigain Koulouris
"The deeper the darkness, the brighter the light. Don't ever give up, you will win this fight." - Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Style is a form art. Freedom and personal expression. Wearing your inner spirit on the outside!"
Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
Who you are is what lies deep in the center of your being.
You are not the color of your skin.
You are not the extra weight on your body.
You are not your negative thoughts.
You are not the pain in your heart.
You are not your wounds.
You are not the unkind things that others say you are.
Who you are is what lies deep in the center of your being.
You are pure.
You are light.
You are peace.
You are undamaged.
You are a divine spirit.
You are love.
Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"So many people are only willing to touch the surface levels of life. They are afraid to be awaken to the truth. Staying limited to only what they know rather what they are capable of. Becoming trapped in a state of fear and ego. Ignoring their intuitive compass. A spiritual breakthrough is the only way to connect to your higher-self and experience a truly authentic life." Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"I have a deep and passionate desire to help and inspire."
Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"What many people don't understand is the heart and soul need time to heal when wounded just as much as physical wounds do. Don't expect for the pain to ever go away if you don't give yourself a chance to heal." Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Heal the hurt, don't hide the pain." Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"love your whole story even if it hasn't been the perfect fairy tale." Melanie Moushigian koulouris
"Dig down deep into your soul and figure out what it is that you are passionate about and bring it to life. There is no other way to live. Do what you were born to do and get started today."
Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
"Always give your all in everything you do, because when you look back you will know you did the best you could with what you had and you will be so grateful for how far you have come." Melanie Moushigian Koulouris
For more daily inspiration, please visit my other links.
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